Friday, March 31, 2006

Jesus in an MTV World

The "Live 8" concert last summer made me wonder, 'why didn't God wait and put Jesus on the scene at this time in history - in the 21st century?' With all of our high-speed communications, think of the exposure Jesus and his message would have received.

Would Jesus' message have been a series of sound bites, with all sorts of experts telling us their opinions and interpretations of what he said? Would millions of young people have been convinced, and convicted, to deny themselves, pick up their crosses, and follow Christ? Could a kingdom not of this world have been birthed in the hearts of the masses? Or, at the end of the day, would we have turned off our televisions and logged-off the internet, and wondered to ourselves, 'is this guy for real; is his cause worth giving up my right to do with my life anything I choose? Hey, he's just a person on TV. I don't even know this guy personally.'

Can Jesus Christ be birthed in our hearts without someone we actually know, and trust, telling us about him?

I think Jesus came at the right time. He knew the best way to communicate who he is, and who God is - one on one.

I like rock music as much, if not more, than the average person. I couldn't help but be cynical, though, as I watched the "Live 8" concert. Whose kingdom, and what kind of kingdom, was being promoted?


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